Here are the most frequent questions we get asked at Focuson Finance.
Hopefully you can find the answer to your question here but if not you are more than welcome to contact us.
1: I need a loan, can you help?
Yes and no. We do not lend money to people or businesses but amongst the information within this website are links and details of companies providing finance for South African’s.
2: Can you help me get a credit card?
No we do not supply credit cards neither are we affiliated with any creditor to help people get a card. In fact we strongly recommend people steer clear of this kind of debt because of the high interest rate charges applicable.
3: Can you assist me with consolidating my accounts?
There will be information shared on the pages of this website over the course of time that will cover debt advice such as consolidation, so yes, do a search of the pages within the website.
4: I am blacklisted, how can I borrow money?
While we do not advise people to take out more loans if they already have a bad credit record, it can be done. Once again, refer to the pages related to blacklisting within the pages of this site.
5: How do I get out of debt?
Not a question that can be answered on this page. Over time we will be exploring and covering many instances of getting into financial trouble and offering solutions and advice on how to get free of those horrible debt worries.
6: Can you approve a loan over the phone or by email?
No. We are not a registered financial lending institute. The purpose of this website and the information offered here is to give accurate and helpful advice and not to lend money to those in need.
7: I desperately need to buy a car, can you help?
Yes. We have a category specifically catering to those looking for vehicle finance and within this category there are articles full of information and advice on how to borrow money to pay for the cost of a new or used motor vehicle.
8: Can you give me information on how to fund a business?
Yes, we have a category dedicated to helping people find out more about business loans.